Petri ilmoittautui in

Min 10 pelaajaa klo19 mennessä, kyselen lisäpelaajia.

Yang, profiilikuva

Seems like there won't be enough players, so I won't go either.

Jarno ilmoittautui in

Saatan myöhästyä alusta hetkosen...


Hello, Should we consider starting the games a bit earlier this summer if that works better for everyone? For example at 19:00?

Sami, profiilikuva

Hi, i play far as 21:15pm. Gotta go 'n see suomi-ruotsi game. Did not notice it is today.
So 1h of football for me 😆

Petri ilmoittautui in

50/50, saatan tulla kokeilemaan kestääkö polvi.


Should I ask for some more players?

Geza, profiilikuva

Seems not enough for today


I wasn't able to get any extra players this time, let's try again next week.